
Devil Dog Brew


Salad dressing ala Chef Jeremy & 'Old-Soldier'

By Manolito Bastasa

People ask us at various street markets and shows, 'how can they use the 'Old-Soldier' coffee infused salad seasoning to get a tasty dressings and, is it gluten free?' We have an answer for you on this one.

This year as in the past 2 years, we have teamed with Ant D's Jams & Jellies for our booth at the Colorado Country Christmas Holiday Gift Show in Denver. This year we decided to demonstrate how to utilize the Jam's and the 'Old-Soldier' coffee infused rubs and spices to produce healthy meals.

The base for the dressings and marinades we created were the 'Old-Soldier Coffee Infused' rubs & spices which are all natural and sugar & allergen free. Ant D's jams are gluten free and low in sugar. One of the creations which Chef Jeremy of Ant D's created used the following ingredients:

2 oz (half a jar) of Nectarine Balsamic Jam (Created by Ant D's 4th generation jam maker Diego Hernadez)

1 TBSP Old-Soldier Coffee infused salad seasoning

1/2 cup balsamic vinegar

1/2 cup Olive Oil

Blend the first 3 items together and whisk adding the oil to taste to emulsify.

Make up a green salad adding black olives, mushrooms, raisins, cranberries, & chopped walnuts. If your daring Jeremy suggests adding chopped jalapeno chili's to taste!

Toss, serve and ENJOY!!


To order the Old-Soldier coffee infused rubs and spices click on the link.

To order the Jam for this recipe contact Diego at: